Archive for January, 2013


Figure Drawing Class try out Posmaniacs

January 27, 2013

Students spent all term exploring how to draw the human figure. Live models where the object of choice, but sleepy students dragged from a study hall were not always available to play the part. The smartboard and a handy computer often solved the problem through a computer site called Posemaniacs.

Pose Maniacs supports all artists, including art students and people who study illustrations and mangas on your own. This quick video shows how it can be used to practice quick poses.

Students both enjoyed working off the smartboard and choosing various complicated poses.  They where able to take the knowledge learned in a real life setting and incorporate into the information presented on the computer site.




Magic Markers – old and new

January 27, 2013

The natural reaction is to throw out those old sharpies and go with the new. But using the older, running out markers can offer the artistic student a way to create interesting shading and tones. The idea of using markers beyond the level of poster making may also seem a novelty in the art class. But working with both new and old markers can create wonderful and successful artworks.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThese students used the approach successful and incorporated various textures and tones into their artworks.


The students built upon their previous knowledge of line and form,as well as, the development of good composition. Although there maybe be cries of dismay as a marker runs out before intended, it was a good lesson in patience and problem solving to reach the desired ends.

This lesson can be introduced with the works of a New York City artist, Enrico Miguel Thomas. He is a Brooklyn based artist who draws on subway maps, to capture the images of the trains and beauty of the city.

72nd-St-on-new-subway-map1-576x39872nd St station on a New York subway map by Enrico Miguel Thomas. More information on the artist can be gotten on his blog on the Sharpie site.  There is a quick video where students can see him in action.

Set an example try it your self, the results can be amazing.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAmarkers (new and old ) on paper

Road in the Woods – by Pat Cushing